Taking the Grrr out of Grooming Dogs
....... Transforming the canine grooming experience
In person seminar will look at up to date science on how issues within a variety of body systems such as the digestive system, the skin, the musculoskeletal system, etc., may contribute to behaviour change in the dog. Early reservation recommended
This module includes a webinar and additional resources about the importance of observing our canine companions and clients. Observing allows us to pick up small changes in comfort and behaviour, so we can take appropriate action.
Discover how each dog is a total individual and therefore how grooming will affect them all differently. Canine Individuality Webinar has been accredited by The CPD Group Includes Grooming and the Adolescent Dog Webinar. Two for the price of one.
This course will discuss the various aspects of Canine Communications, including body language, calming signals and vocalisation. Learning to understand the body language of dogs can be the difference between a stressful and calmer groom
This webinar and course notes will give you important information which will help understand what trigger stacking is, how to identify a trigger, and how this affects dogs during grooming,
This webinar will discuss how trigger stacking needs careful consideration in all environments. I will be discussing what trigger stacking is, how it impacts on the dog (and humans). CPD Group Accredited
This course will go through the various steps to successfully introduce new canine clients into your salon. The priority for any new canine client should be a feeling of safety, and this seven step approach will ensure that feeling of safety
This module is full of useful tips on how to make grooming less stressful and make our canines feel more confident about being groomed
In this webinar I will be explaining some of the main dog training techniques, the pro's and con's, and examples of when to use which technique. Aimed at dog groomers but also suitable for dog guardians.
This course will teach you the principles of Canine Permission Based Grooming, the benefits, how to train, and how to use. The course will include bucket game, free roam protocol, table/place protocol, "paws on" protocol.
This module will teach you about the usefulness of Tellington TTouch Training(R) in the grooming salon. TTouch is a calming technique which helps to reduce tension and anxiety.
ON PURCHASE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL BE SENT TO SPEAK DOG Every dog deserves to be heard, dogs are communicating all the time, but do you know how to listen? The Learning to Listen Session is a 1-hour session, online with Emma Johnston.
Taking the Grrr out of Grooming is all about making grooming less stressful (or to remove the "Grrr") for groomers, guardians and more importantly our canine companions and clients.
This Educational Portal has been created by Sue Williamson, Grooming Behaviourist.
With a wide range of grooming related behaviour webinars and courses, this is the place to find grooming behaviour support. Over 1300 webinars and courses have been sold, all over the World.
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